Sunday, October 4, 2015

Why We Should Raise the Minmum Wage

Is minimum wage enough? I feel that minimum wage needs to be raised. We ask a ourselves in 2014, is $7.25 really enough? These battles over minimum wage are heating up across the nation and even in Iowa. I went searching far and wide through the internet to answer this puzzling question.
            As teenagers, we need economic independence from are parents. I feel that at one point or another every teenager should get a job whether it’s a small time or part time job to get that sense of work ethnic. I work at Family Foods and minimum wage sucks. I get $7.25 an hour; now take out taxes, Medicare and social security ,which is going to run out before we get to it, that’s $6. 25 an hour. If I got a paycheck with 30 hours on it, It would only equal $187.50.If minimum wage  was raised to $10.10 and then take out taxes you would have $9.10 an hour and $273 total that’s a 45% increase in pay which is huge.
            Inflation is a huge issue in this country when minimum wage was raised in 2009 to $7.25  the value of dollar has gone down 8%.  I feel that minimum wage should be raised every 5 years so it can keep up with cost of living and not get to the point where a family of four can’t support themselves. Even if you look at the essentials like a gallon of milk it would cost $3.85,that’s about 32 minutes of work .That’s outrageous! Thirty-two minutes of work just for one gallon of milk is little ludicrous!
it seems to me that minimum wage needs to be raised now to counteract the rise in prices I know what ideas , people will raise to counter the rise of minimum wage. In some cases yes, like items that are built in united states of America but, at same time, items built in the u.s are already more expensive then their foreign counterparts.  I do feel that minimum wage should be raised and recent report sites 75 economists agree.

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